Relación entre orfandad ocasionada por el conflicto armado e indicadores de depresión y comportamiento en niños, niñas y adolescentes colombianos
Dueñas Cubides, Gina Paola
Vega Herrera, Sandra
Armed conflict in Colombia has left approximately two million boys, girls and teenagers, victim from it. This descriptive cross-section study with an analytical component defines the relation between orphanhood caused by the armed conflict and the depression indicators and behavior of Colombian boys, girls and teenagers. 378 boys, girls and teenagers, orphan by armed conflict and 680 control children and teenagers, not directly exposed to armed conflict, participated. Psychometric measures from CDS (Children’s Depression Scale) and CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist), adapted to Colombia, were applied. The results show that children and teenagers between ages 12 to 18 present higher scores in the negative affection indicators, especially in total depressive indicators (AOR 1,94, IC of 95%: 1,27-2,97) and in the lack of positive elements in joy indicators (AOR 2,54, IC of 95%: 1,57-3,80), compared to control group. For CBCL scale, the children from ages 8 to 11 show only high scores in reticence indicator (AOR 2,54, IC of 95%: 1,26-5,12); where as children and teenagers from ages 12 to 18 show high scores for global total problems indicator (AOR 1,63, IC of 95%: 1,12-2,37), and CBCL internalization indicator (AOR 1,95, IC of 95%: 1,34-2,83), compared to control group. In conclusion, significate statistic differences have been found in the studied indicators between orphan children and children non-directly exposed to armed conflict. For the above, orphan children by armed conflict must have a differential and integral attention for their retrieval.