Medidas de intervención para promoción de conductas saludables y prevención de riesgos laborales relacionados con accidentalidad y enfermedad laboral en trabajadores de minas de Carbón
Báez Moreno, Angiee
Bocanegra Díaz, Juan
Colombia government has introduced several regulations to the coal-mining sector; however, it is considered that the actual strategies have not been effective to identify, prevent and control the workplace injury, fatality and illness. During year 2013 the fatality index arise to 1,59. 2004 Statistics reveals that Pneumoconiosis were the most important causes of workforce disability. Objective: Categorize intervention activities on workplace injury, fatality and illness promotion and prevention for the coal-mining workforce. Method: Coal-mining and health literature was deeply revised, which was obtained from renowned databases as PUBMED, ScienceDirect, VHL and SINAB, without considering the publication date and published in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. To the literature recompilation were used controlled language terms (MESH terms) and article title and abstract peer review. The articles were selected for whole text review based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The considered codes for this review were: a) country where the intervention has been carried on, b) occupational health, c) injury and fatality prevention, d) promoting programs, e) technologies and f) obtained outcomes. Results: From the 2500 selected articles by the principal authors, 300 articles were reviewed: 32 of them deal with occupational health and coal mining, 10 contain statistically significant interventions relevant to this literature review. Statistically significant interventions (p<0,05) are presented, which had a positive impact on prevention and promotion of occupational health, injury and fatality in coal mining. Conclusions: Four intervention types were identified: 1) ones which make reference to participative trainings, training based on “degraded image”, execution of feedback and self-control management to the use of personal protection equipment (PPE), the application of the parallel extended process model; 2) preventive interventions as the measurement of breath alcohol concentration level before work shift begin, the nurse personnel presence in coal mines and the acknowledgment of illness predictor to optimize the primary prevention; 3) surveillance interventions like the promoted in the European statistics on accidents at work (ESAW) methodology for work accident assessment, the application of the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations for Pneumoconiosis detection and 4) technology consistent interventions of work activities based on the software outcomes, which were developed by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The mentioned interventions have been proved to be effective in promotion and prevention of occupational illness, injury and fatality, which make them recommendable to be implemented in Colombia after cost-benefit analysis.