Análisis del conflicto en la región de Darfur en Sudán a partir del modelo teórico de Paul Collier, periodo 2003 a 2010.
Otero, Nicolás
This paper evaluates the theoretical model by professor Paul Collier regarding the causes of civil wars, by applying it to the conflict in Darfur, Sudan. The objective of the investigation is to establish its explanatory capabilities, based on the premise that it is possible to identify the variables within the model in the case of conflict in Darfur. There’s an academic approach to the concept of New Wars through a theoretical study of Stathis N. Kalyvas, Mary Kaldor and Herfried Münkler. Also, it analyzes variables and indicators, presenting Collier’s model as a whole. Finally, every variable is applied to the case and enables to identify the flaws in the formulation of model’s premises and conclusions.