Disputa territorial por las Islas Dokdo en las relaciones políticas entre Corea del Sur y Japón (2005-2012)
Domínguez Nolasco, Solange de Jesús
The political and economic relations between Japan and South Korea went through its best period, during the early years of the 21st century, when the territorial dispute over Dokdo Islands erupted. The small barren group of islands located in the Sea of Japan, and that for decades symbolized the end of the Japanese occupation of Korea, was there to cause new and significate tensions between both States. In that sense, such event presents itself as fundamental for the understanding of the current bilateral relations and is presented as the main analytical focus of the present paper. The following document, will present an analytic description of the territorial dispute, as well as its effect in the political, social and economic fields of the relation between the Japan and South Korea.