La crisis en Siria y el Estado Islámico : una oportunidad para la materialización del proyecto político kurdo del confederalismo democrático en Rojava
Gómez López, Juan Pablo
The current academic article aims to analyze the effect of the Syrian crisis and the rise of the Islamic State in the materialization of the Kurdish political project, referred to as Democratic Confederalism. To do so, said effect is explained through three fundamental events: first, the takeover of the northern territories to contain the Islamic State; second, the creation of the YPG and the YPJ as an armed response to the threat from the IS, and third, the proclamation of Rojava as a federal entity in northern Syria representing an alternative model to al-Assad´s regimen and radical Islamism. Rojava is both an opportunity for the Kurds to consolidate the international recognition of their autonomy and democracy building project in the Middle East.