Administración en la cadena de suministro y su relación con el desempeño de las PYME del sector agroindustrial
Caicedo, Natalia
Fonseca, Estefania
Rincon, Natalia
Nowadays, organizations are in the research of a continuous improvement, which entails for enterprises to look for new strategies that help them to achieve a leader position into the sector where they develop their activities. Moreover, one of the strategies to reach a high positioning in new businesses; is the adequate supply chain management.
By the other hand, the agro industrial sector has a wide supply chain that goes from the acquisition of the raw materials to the delivery of the product to the final client, therefore, it requires of an adequate management of the processes, which shall be efficient and effective, in order to achieve the proposed goals, take advantage of the limited resources which they counts to fulfill the demand, and last but not least, to have the own capacity for the transformation of the same resources.
Furthermore, in order for the organizations to accomplish a competitive advantage, it is necessary that all the parts of the supply chain have continuous interactions inwardly, which will allows the success during the introduction of new products into the market.
Finally, through this work and research paper, the purpose is to clear up and analyze the importance of the administration into the supply chain and the relation of this with the performance, based on the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the agro industrial sector. The intention is to evaluate the information from the sight and study of different authors, whom had talked about the relation that exists between the supply chain and the performance, having into account variables like the agro industrial sector and the SMEs.