Plan exportador de Moncaleano Guerrero Hermanos Ltda.
Silva Velandia, Julio Cesar
To achieve the internationalization process is important to develop a plan to sustain its
performance. As an initial part is so important to define the product to be exported taking
into account its custom classification, both, national and international standard. On this
point, it begins with the market intelligence, which principal goal is to identify potential
countries to export the product, which must meet certain requirements desired by the
entrepreneurs and their objectives when they want to make a exporter plan; to define the
countries to whom wants to reach is necessary to take key and decision-making aspects
such as the target population, competition present in the country, trade balance between
the 2 countries, distribution channels, access zones, tax requirements, environmental,
health, etc.. later, with that information, the entrepreneurs could decide if they choose to
enter or not to that country. Having defined the 3 countries (goal, alternative and
contingent), analyzes all costs incurred directly and indirectly on the product, in order to
define the sale price and analyze if the chosen product is competitive in the local market
and see the possible mistakes of the organization.
To start the international process is vital to analyze the prices of competition in each of
export destinations and see how it can be profitable for the company. In order to define the
international sale price should be studied the different quotes from the Customs Brokerage
Companies, entities that are necessary for export to any destination. Choosing the best
option suited to the needs of the company, the next step is to define the way we want to
put the product to its final destination, of course, depending on the term chosen by the
negotiating parts and defined by INCOTERMS. Then, enter the stage of international
marketing, in which all strategies are defined for each of the 4 P's of the marketing mix
(Product, price, promotion and distribution) which lay down the guidelines to entry for each
country concerning the aspects above.
To develop a good exporter plan must be precise with the previous phases, since they are
the basis for drawing up the plan itself, which includes a deep examination of the
company, making analysis in all its areas, financial analysis with their respective indexes,
among other studies required. The plan must include very clearly all financial expenses
and investment incurred for it to succeed, as improvements in technology, skills, business
trips, etc.
The importance for a company as Moncaleano Guerrero Hermanos Ltda. to have a plan
exporter is very significant, because not only serves as a basis for starting a export
activity, also raised improvement targets, which are vital to achieve international success.
In itself, this exporter plan, not only includes the information necessary to start the
internationalization of the company, also includes a plan for internal improvement that
should be an advantage to face this process in a more competitive way.