¿Paz? tregua y negociaciones en caliente: experiencias de la Uribe y el Caguan
Flórez Torres, Camilo Andrés
The theory of peace reveals that the elimination of one of the parties to the conflict is not a real peace stage. The above because the transformation of a conflict requires resolution of the causes that generated in terms Johan Galtung author of the theory of peace, dispute. This study comprises two periods of political history in Colombia, in which the national government decided to establish negotiations with the FARC-EP guerrillas; (1982-1986) Belisario Betancourt, (1998-2002) Andres Pastrana. This monograph aims to analyze the objective and subjective factors that prevented these negotiations from reaching a scenario of conflict transformation. The hypothesis that is proved by way of conclusion argues that the actors did not fully understand the concept of positive peace, reason why tensions on the negotiating tables led to the uprising of the negotiators.