Determinación de los efectos en la salud de los trabajadores del programa de control de vectores expuestos laboralmente a organoclorados en tres departamentos de Colombia 2013
Malagon-Rojas, Jeadran-Nevardo
Objective: To assess exposure to organochlorine pesticides used in public health in the working population of the vector borne control programme in three regions of Colombia in 2013.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was performed in the group of workers control program vector borne - ETV- (coordinators, technicians, entomologists, technicians and assistants ) in the departments of Meta, Nariño and Risaralda diseases. All participants underwent an interview in which was collected by questionnaire , information from the three sampling variables : sociodemographic , occupational , clinical and toxicological . Organochlorine 13 levels in serum were determined by gas chromatography in the National Institute of Health . They conducted a descriptive analysis was conducted and an analysis to determine the distribution of means between occupational exposure variables ( Ji2 for qualitative and Mann- Whitney for quantitative ). Subsequently, we conducted a multivariate analysis to estimate the association of variables controlling for age , occupational exposure to organochlorines.
Results: The report handling organochlorine insecticides was 39.1 %. 100 % of workers reported that they used organochlorine DDT use . 7.5% (n = 3 ) reported the use of Aldrin. Organochlorines were hexachlorbenzene, hexachlorocyclohexane, heptachlor, heptaclorepoxi , α - chlordane , 4,4 -DDT , 4,4 -DDE , β - endosulfan , 2,4 - DDT , endosulfan sulfate and mirex. Organochlorines with higher peak levels were β -HCH , 4,4 - DDT and α -HCH. The symptoms of major presentation were headache 28.7 % , dizziness 29.9 % , decreased strength in MMSS 17.2% and neuropsiquiatric 20%.