Idea Generation in the Organizational Context: Understandings from a Study of a Company of the Graphic Industry in Medellin
Generación de ideas en el contexto organizacional: comprensiones a partir del estudio de una empresa del sector gráfico de Medellín.;
Geração de ideias no contexto organizacional: compreensões a partir do estudo de uma empresa do setor gráfico de Medellín
Escobar Sierra, Manuela
Vera Acevedo, Luz Dinora
Correa Espinal, Alexander
Based on the study of a company of the graphic industry in Medellin (Colombia), this article analyzes the process of idea generation in an organizational context and the characterization of the quality of these ideas, according to the cognitive style and creative techniques. In the text 1) a review of literature is made of writings on innovation, knowledge management and cognitive styles, 2) the research strategy, which corresponds to the case study, is presented, 3) data collection is clearly set forth (using a management game composed of creative techniques, cognitive styles and quality criteria) and the data analysis is shown (using design of experiments), noting that the management game allows to focus the capabilities related to knowledge management and innovation, and, 4) the relationship between the interaction of cognitive style and creative techniques and their impact on the quality of generated ideas is evinced.