Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Spanish Version for Measuring Students’ Perception of Pedagogical Content Knowledge in University Health Teachers
Zambrano, Angela
Background: Students' perception of pedagogical content knowledge (SP-PCK) is a self-report questionnaire that assesses students' perception of pedagogical content knowledge exhibited by their teachers within the classroom. There are no Spanish versions of this questionnaire available in the literature. The purpose of this study was to valid, and reliable version of the SP-PCK instrument to be used in a sample of university students attending a health education programme. Method: After translation and cross-cultural adaptation, a definitive questionnaire was generated in Spanish. The validation was carried out by applying the questionnaire to a total of 111 undergraduate students of a health school in Bogotá, Colombia. The adapted version was applied to students of a physiology course. Cronbach's alpha, Cohen's kappa coefficient, exploratory factor analysis, and content validity index were used to assess content validity and internal consistency. Results: The study population consisted of 78.4% women and the participants´ average age was 19.2 ±1.03 years-old. SP-PCK scored 0.923 (range 0.670 to 0.806) on the Cronbach alpha and intra-observer reproducibility was excellent (Kappa= 0.918). Exploratory factor analysis determined 2 factors, which accounted for 52.536% of the variance, with 7 interactions (factor 1= 36.351% and factor 2= 16.185%). In the 28 reactives, the test sampling adequacy (KMO=0.844) and Bartlett´s sphericity test (X2/gL=216.551; p<0.001) indicated a moderate fit of the data for analysis. Conclusion: The SP-PCK instrument indicated adequate internal consistency and content validity. The instrument is recommended for the study of university students' perception of health teachers' pedagogical content knowledge within the classroom.