Del odio al prejuicio: reflexiones sobre la subjetividad y su prueba en los instrumentos penales antidiscriminación
From Hate to Bias: Reflections on Subjectivity and its Proof in Anti- Discrimination Criminal Dispositions;
Do ódio ao prejuízo: reflexões sobre a subjetividade e a sua prova nos instrumentos penais antidiscriminação
Escobar Beltran, Samuel Augusto
Regarding crimes against equality, through legal and criminological perspectives we argue the vantage point of adopting a bias crime model, understood as the negative characterization and discriminatory selection of the victim in reason of her belonging to a group, in lieu of hate, which implies evidencing the attacker’s hostility towards the group the victim belongs to. This will allow criminal law to have better chances at tackling the true causes of discrimination, which take place beyond individual attitudes. This model will also allow the context in which the hierarchical and symbolic uses of violence occur, to be used as a distinctive sign of a prejudiced crime within the safeguards of criminal law.