Análisis de las etapas del proceso de mediación familiar desde el Modelo Relacional Simbólico, en una intervención a una pareja en situación de separación de la Localidad de Puente Aranda. Bogotá D.C. 2008
2008Registro en:
TMMF 0002 2008
González Ospina, Orlando Enrique
Sarmiento León, Martha Yanet
The present research was carried out with the purpose to describe and analyze a familiar mediation done with the methodology of the relatiional symbolic model, for two students of the mastery in familar and community mediation to a couple in separation situation. For this purpose, it was elaborated a protocol according to the relational symbolic model for the selection of couples.
By means of the methodology determined by the qualitative research and specifically the study of case, the investigators carried out the compilation of the information having as guide the concepts that they worked in the familiar mediation, which belong to the mankind, the recovery of links, the generations and the lineages
Once selected the couple, it was effected the familiar mediation according to the stages and methodology suggested by the model, doing a detailed register of each meeting. Finished the familiar mediation, the researches realized the description and the analysis of the happened fact, finding the way as the several meetings and the purposes of the same ones help to the parents in the separation process, improving the rol as parents and recovering the links which join them.
The fulfillment of the stages was adapted; however, in the managing of the method, the familiar mediators had imprecisions that distanced them in some moments of the relational symbolical model, due to the lack of experience in front of the appication of familiar mediation. The researches furnish recommendations for the formation and training of familiar mediators according to the relational symbolic model.
Primary describers: Relational symbolic model, familiar mediation, mediators and parents.