Alcances y limitaciones de la implementación de la política pública de seguridad ciudadana en Bogotá, durante la administración de Luis Eduardo Garzón. (2004-2007)
Martelo Puentes, Lina Maria
The central theme of this research is the analysis of the citizen security policy implemented between 2004 and 2008, in order to address it, its main objective was to establish the scope and limitations of the same. Likewise, the hypothesis that "The implementation of the public policy of citizen security in Bogotá during the administration of Luis Eduardo Garzón, achieved a decrease in criminality in the city in relation to high-impact crime. However, the decline in crime was not only due to the public policies implemented but also to the intervention of external factors such as the actions of some groups outside the law. Also the policy was limited by a weak citizen participation. " The methodological approach was qualitative and with a theoretical perspective of the analysis of the public policies, taking into account mainly the moment of the implementation. The sources that were taken into account in this investigation were secondary.