Vida social de un fruto : El chontaduro y sus significados raciales, alimenticios y sexuales en Bogotá
Carrero Farias, Laura
This research examines how the sale and consumption of Peach Palm in Bogotá is constructed and how these two processes are linked with racial and interregional relations in Colombia. The document includes a biography of Peach Palm, examining its production, distribution and consumption chain, in order to reflect the social values and meanings that have been built around the social life of Peach Palm and how it reflects broader social processes such as the marginality of food, the construction of regional identities in Colombia, the notions of health and the racialization of food and sexuality. The research argues that the consumption and street vending of Peach Palm in Bogotá represent an ambivalence, where on the one hand it is a marginal product and on the other, it is a fruit charged with properties and "powers" desired by Bogotá's consumers.