Actuación de UNAMID (operación híbrida de la Unión Africana y las Naciones Unidas en Darfur) en la defensa de los Derechos Humanos de las mujeres en el conflicto en Darfur (2008 – 2012)
Restrepo Rojas, Ingrid Tatiana
The interest of this paper is to analyze the reach and limitations of UNAMID’s performance in defending Human Rights of women in the conflict in Darfur (2008-2012). All of the foregoing, to realize that although UNAMID has had significant progress in increasing reports of rape, in education and inclusion of women in Darfur, the late intervention, lack of qualified staff and the slow deployment has limited its action to end rape as a weapon of war. However, the low internalization of the rule by the state of Sudan has been a major constraint to the peace mission. This analysis is done through the concept of Responsibility to protect and the constructivist approach of Alexander Wendt and Nicholas Onuf.