Disertación acerca de los intereses y modalidades de la internacionalización/transnacionlización del crimen organizado: ilustración con la mafia rusa
López Pinzón, Jaime Andrés
In the context of globalization, criminal organizations expand in the international system through internationalization or transnalization of their structure or economical operations. The different meanings of internationalization and transnalization helps identify when the criminal organizations are undergoing a transplant of their structures or doing a transnational illegal operation. In other word, it allows to distinguish when an organized crime has transplanted its organization to another country or when it has not transplanted its self to another country but rather has transnational illegal operations. Criminal organizations can be regarded as a non-public actor in the international systems that operate through criminal networks. Globalization, beyond any doubt, allows criminal organizations to increase their operations but it does not increase the possibility to transplant from country to another.
To illustrate the internationalization and transnalization of criminal organizations, the dissertation takes a glance to the criminal organization known as the Russian Mafia. This organization expanded and consolidated at the end of the Cold War and the strengthening of the phenomenon of globalization.