Niveles de actividad física de niños y adolescentes durante las clases de educación física en tres colegios oficiales de Bogotá
Beltrán Salazar, Esther
Physical Education class is a school program in which the levels of physical activity can be increased of students and achieve some recommendations from OMS organization. However, there is not enough scientific evidence that this physical activity is made by students at National level. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the levels of physical activity in students, in both children and teenagers, during Physical Education classes in three Public Schools in Bogotá (Colombia) through the instrument called SOFIT. This research, based on descriptive and transversal method, was carried out among October of 2014 and may of 2015. The observations were made in three Public Schools located in Tunjuelito and Ciudad Bolivar zones in Bogota city. The population used in this study was 1361 students (682 girls and 679 boys) age 5 to 17 and a sample group with 180 students (93 boys and 87 girls) was selected, in a random way, to be observed their level of physical activity during the Physical Education classes through the instrument or protocol called SOFIT. The results of this study indicate that 45.23 % of the time of Physical Education class students kept a sedentary behavior; meanwhile 30.91% and 23.86% of the time of the class students presented a level of moderate physical activity level (MPA) and vigorous physical activity respectively. The level of physical activity from moderate to vigorous (MVPA) was 54.78%; it means 35.27 minutes from the class. Teachers did not promote the physical activity in a 56.47% of the time of the class and it was found that no teacher promoted the physical activity out of the class; it means that they did not encourage their students to practice any kind of physical activity in their free time. The Physical Condition, as the aspect most developed by teacher, got a result of 35.66% of the time of the class, followed by Generalities with 24, 83% and Abilities 23.84%. As conclusions the researchers can say that the context of the class about Generalities is associated to and negatively ((β=-0,32, p=0,006) with a lower percentage of the time in MPA and VPA, the active variables of SOFIT. It suggests that the classes must invest less time in this context and increase other contexts as Physical Condition and Abilities to raise the total of minutes of MVPA during the class.