Análisis de la implantación de infraestructuras feriales y su relación con el desarrollo urbano a escala zonal en Bogotá. Estudio de caso: Corferias- UPZº107 de Quinta Paredes (2000-2010)
Rincón Acosta, Christian Andrey
The intention of the present case- study is to analyze the influence of The International Business and Exhibition Center –Corferias – on the urban development of the UPZ (Zone Planning Unit, for its Spanish acronym) 107- Quinta Paredes between 2000 and 2010. This analysis is based on identifying the convention centers as nodes that drive the economic development and the cultural, technological and business exchanges between the cities. In this way, it is possible to determinate that convention centers are important for the urban competitiveness. However, these nodes also produce consequences on the urban development dynamics, because they influence the social, spatial, economic and cultural aspects of the cities. The conclusions of this investigation serve to show the influence of Corferias on the urban transformations that have occurred in the UPZ 107- Quinta Paredes during the first decade of the 21st century.