dc.contributorRosker, Eduardo Julio
dc.creatorCastaño Avila, David
dc.creatorPaternina Diaz, Carlos Alberto
dc.identifierTA 0013 2009
dc.description.abstractThe model of franchise has evolved since its inception in United States in 1862 by Swinger Sewing Machine Company originated by the needs to overcome the problems of distribution and coverage of their products. Since then several companies decided to continue with this model since the advantages are higher than other models and because the possibilities of market penetration increased substantially. A clear example of optimization of this model is McDonalds; this company has more than 25.4652 franchises in 126 countries, but before to this expansion, the company established a few criteria, proper of this model which are the key for a successful business and which are: standardized process and procedures (in operations manuals), a differentiated know how, a consolidated trade mark, a strategic expanding plan and a distinctive business model. In Colombia the first approach came from the multinational franchise Burger King in 1980, then the Colombian companies decided to follow this model and the pioneer was Kokoriko followed by Presto and Frisby. One company that uses the model of franchises in Colombia is Pan Pa "Ya!, but with a different franchise called financial franchise. The franchisee is only an investor that provides capital, but the administration is in charge of the franchisor. The company began using the traditional franchise model, but this was not successful because the processes were not completely standardized, the technology of frozen bread did not exist and neither with the administrative structure for the supervision of local franchisees so it was very difficult to manage a common franchise model. Today, the situation has changed and the company is studying whether to continue with the financial franchise model or return to the traditional model of franchising.
dc.publisherUniversidad del Rosario
dc.publisherAdministración de Empresas
dc.publisherFacultad de Administración
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
dc.rightsEL AUTOR, manifiesta que la obra objeto de la presente autorización es original y la realizó sin violar o usurpar derechos de autor de terceros, por lo tanto la obra es de exclusiva autoría y tiene la titularidad sobre la misma. PARÁGRAFO: En caso de presentarse cualquier reclamación o acción por parte de un tercero en cuanto a los derechos de autor sobre la obra en cuestión, EL AUTOR, asumirá toda la responsabilidad, y saldrá en defensa de los derechos aquí autorizados; para todos los efectos la universidad actúa como un tercero de buena fe. EL AUTOR, autoriza a LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ROSARIO, para que en los términos establecidos en la Ley 23 de 1982, Ley 44 de 1993, Decisión andina 351 de 1993, Decreto 460 de 1995 y demás normas generales sobre la materia, utilice y use la obra objeto de la presente autorización
dc.sourceinstname:Universidad del Rosario
dc.sourcereponame:Repositorio Institucional EdocUR
dc.subjectfranquicia financiera
dc.subjectKnow How
dc.subjectPan Congelado
dc.titlePan Pa" Ya! : inédito caso de franquicias

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