Estrategia de intervención militar de Estados Unidos en Medio Oriente: dinámicas y consecuencias del uso de drones en Yemen y Pakistán entre 2009 a 2013
Correa Cruz, Nicolás
This study comprehends an overview of the military strategy undertaken by the United States in the Middle East through the systematic use of UAV´s between 2009 and 2013. The research is aimed to explain the measure in which Drone warfare can be considered as power projection without a significant degree of vulnerability. The cases of Pakistan and Yemen are analyzed due to the increased number of Targeted Killings authorized by the Obama administration from 2009. Offensive Realism, along with its limitations, is regarded as the pertinent theoretical framework for this study. Hence, it is latter stated that Drone warfare is inherent to the United States hegemony pretention regardless of the legal and political consequences emanated from the violation of Humanitarian International Law.