El concepto y la práctica de la actividad física y su relación con calidad de vida en los modelos teóricos de la salud
Serrano Ramírez, Clara Inés
Studies on concept of physical activity (PA) are different. Their relationship to quality of life is usually generated within the medical discourse, which tends execution of physical activity from a purely biological look. Although this discussion is important, it should be noted that studies related to quality of life and the PA are based on condition of being and perception facing health; Some studies have not been performed since living conditions and social context. While it is true that the medical gaze and objective studies are important in fact they shed statistics that address recommendations for physical activity, in this document, a qualitative study was developed through the document review of concept of PA, their practices and their relationship to quality of life, dealing with different authors. The PubMed database for its emphasis on health publications; published articles in 2004 and 2014, to study the concept of PA, its practical use and the relationships with quality of life, to finally make an analysis from models of determination and social determinants. On this way the position of authors regarding concept, practices and relationships that can arise with quality of life is analyzed. In this research was obtained as a result their biological, psychological, social and cultural trends, in which the authors make clear medical many in most their research focused their relations on functionality, and it is through a therapeutic vision where they seek welfare, satisfaction of patients who are suffering from any illness. In addition to emerging categories as they appear: Body as a mean of advertising, cyber advance rapidly and role power of in PA can be referred to other studies.