Desenlaces de la terapia cognitivo conductual en el manejo de la anorexia nerviosa : revisión sistemática y meta análisis
Nelly Dayana, Acosta Quevedo
Albarrán Ruiz, Sandra
Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe psychiatric condition with devastating consequences. Behavioral Cognitive Therapy (CBT) has emerged as an important alternative in the management of several psychiatric pathologies, finding evidence of its effectiveness. However, for the management of AN there is no quantitative support for its effectiveness. We achieve a systematic review of clinical studies that collected evidence on the CBT schemes used in the treatment of AN. No restrictions were applied. Data extraction focused on patient-centered outcomes. The published literature on the implementation of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for the treatment of anorexia nervosa (AN) has a preliminary general character. The quality of published studies on the subject is low, with high risks of bias. The variety of instruments and measurement scales used makes their synthesis difficult. However, the meta-analysis showed a small but favorable effect on BMI in favor of CBT.