Influencia de la estrategia de guerra jurídica de las FARC-EP en la autonomía del sistema judicial colombiano
Iregui Méndez, Juan Felipe
The following investigation aims at analyzing the influence of the Farc juridical war strategy in the autonomy of the Colombian judicial system. It also aims at developing an analysis of the VII, VIII and IX National Guerrilla Conference (Conferencia Nacional Gerrillera) of the Farc, in order to show the evolution of their strategic plans, which have allowed them to enter into new operation scenarios. The aforementioned will be focused on showing the importance that the transition from the “war of guerrillas” to the “asymmetrical war” has for the Farc; and in the latter it will be possible to find the theoretical support required to develop this investigation. To finish with, it is intended to highlight the fact that the plan’s evolution has led into a juridical insecurity that is detrimental for the State’s main goals, causing a weakening of the institutions.