Los chaebols surcoreanos en la política de acercamiento hacia corea del norte, caso “The Sunshine policy”
Bogotá Peña, Paula
The objective of the following study is to analyze the role of the South Korean enterprises known as chaebols in the implementation of a policy of approachment towards North Korea. In order to accomplish this objective, the activities that the South Korean enterprises developed within the policy framework will be analyzed, activities that not only are set in the economic field but also in the political and personal field. The hypothesis focuses on the fact that The Sunshine Policy was structured in three principal axes among which the action of the chaebols was a fundamental part for the implementation of these axes. This study will be conducted through the analysis of texts that investigate The Sunshine Policy, including the role that different actors played in the implementation of the policy, as well as its effectiveness and consequences. Additionally, studies about the South Korean model of chaebols, their influence over the politics of the country, and events that took place within the policy of approachment towards North Korea will be taken into account.