The Colombian Constitutional Court before the Measures of Security and National Defense Implemented by the Goverment of Uribe
La Corte Constitucional colombiana ante las medidas de seguridad y defensa nacional del gobierno de Uribe;
A Corte Constitucional Colombiana ante as medidas de segurança e defensa nacional do governo de Uribe
Revenga-Sánchez, Miguel
Girón-Reguera, Emilia
In this work are described the measures of security and national defense implanted by the government of Álvaro Uribe during the validity of the state of siege, as well as the positioning that the Constitutional Court has taken on the issues, in the course of its function of control of constitutionality. The reluctance of the High Court to give its Colombian executive imposes the Antiterrorist Statute by means of a constitutional reform. This statute, as a part of the program of democratic security that the Government leads, is analyzed in the present article.