Legal Organizations: Communicative Actions the Attorney General of the State of Tamaulipas, Mexico
Organizaciones jurídicas: acciones comunicativas de la Procuraduría de Justicia del estado de Tamaulipas, México.
Cancelo Sanmartin, Mercedes
Gadea Aldave, Gilda
This text provides a descriptive study of the communicative exercise of the main legal body in Mexico, specifically in the State of Tamaulipas. Tamaulipas is a State located in the North of the country on border with United States of America. By its geographical location it is a territory with a special legal situation, specifically with regard to safety aspects refers. Faced with this reality the social bodies, and specifically the people have a certain perception of public institutions operating in the field of safety and the prevention of crime, with special attention to the State Attorney. The aforementioned body is charged with managing all complaints and actions involving the citizen. Its effective communication, and their careful image, will depend on the credibility in the development of its public action and therefore its social legitimacy.