Aporte calórico de leche humana según factores socioeconómicos en un banco de leche humana en Bogotá, Colombia en el año 2016
Giraldo, María Camila
Introduction: Human Milk Banks (HMB) are a strategy that allows to improve the infants health who can not receive breastmilk of their own mothers. BMB are implemented in Colombia since 2011. Aim: to identify if the energy content of human milk from women donors of the USS Kennedy during 2016 in Bogota, Colombia, is related with some socioeconomically factors of the women. Methods: the database registers of the women donors of the HMB of the USS Kennedy in Bogotá, Colombia during 2016 were used. Dependent variable was the energy content of human milk (colostrum, transition and mature), and independent variables were mother´s occupation, socio economical status, living place and offspring´s sex. Two statistical analyzes were carried out by SPSS and STATA software: A) analyzing each donation as an independent measurement and B) grouping the donations of each donor women by averages. The test of Kruskal Wallis was applied. Results: 85 women 29.2 ± 5.7 years old, donors of the three human milk types. Most of them were professionals, living in stratum 3 and in Kennedy town, and 57% of their offspring were male sex. The energy content average of human milk donated was: 20.33 kcal/oz colostrum, 20.40 kcal/oz transition and 18.67 kcal/oz mature when the values were analyzed as independent measures, and when the values were analyzed by averages the energy content was: 20.33 kcal/oz colostrum, 20.53 kcal/oz transition and 19.16kcal/oz mature. In turn, when the analysis type A was performed, a significant relationship between energy content of transition human milk and mother’s occupation was found (p=0.003) and with living place (p=0.006), as well as the energy content of mature human milk and all four mother’s socio economic variables analyzed (p<0.001). Nevertheless, the analysis of pooled measurements (analysis type B) none significant relationship was found (p>0.05). Conclusions: the energy content of transition and mature human milk donated in the BMB of the USS Kennedy in Bogotá, Colombia during 2016 is related with socioeconomically factors of the mothers as occupation, socio economical status, living place and offspring´s sex.