Estilo de liderazgo y toma de decisiones de líderes comunitarias interesadas en participar políticamente en Colombia
Paz Villamizar, María Gabriela
The article analyses the relationship between leadership styles and the styles of decision-making by a group of women from different regions of Colombia, who exercise leadership in their communities and have interest in political participation. This study was accomplished through characterization of leadership styles and the styles of decision-making and finally the relationship between both variables. The methodology used was quantitative, applied The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) and The General Decision-Making Style scale (GDMS) to 132 women from five regions of Colombia. The results showed that in the Leadership variable, the transformational style presented the highest measures, followed by the transactional leadership which presented moderately high measures and at a lower level, the style of absence of leadershipIn terms of decision-making highest averages were dependent, intuitive and rational styles. To relate the variables there was significant difference between the transformational leadership style and the rational, intuitive and dependent decision-making styles; between the transactional leadership style and the dependent, avoidant and rational decision-making style; and between the laissez faire leadership style and the avoidant and spontaneous decision-making style