El montaje en Aby Warburg Y Walter Benjamin. Un método alternativo para la representación de la violencia
Urueña Calderón, Juan Felipe
This paper aims to outline the way the images in the archive, scrutinized as a montage, are organized and exhibited. The theoretical framework will be outlined from some of the most important methodologies developed by Aby Warburg and Walter Benjamin. The correlation drawn between the methods of both authors is meant to reveal the main characteristics that will help elaborate the relations between the elements within the archive and the possible temporalities that are established from these relations. The paper then suggests the possibility of creating a montage of images, produced under different contexts of circulation, with the iconographic motive of the severed tongue, alluding to a relationship between memory, violence and silence. This procedure, the iconographic motive of the severed tongue, thus establishes a correlation between the different eras of Colombian violence.