Procesos organizativos de mujeres y víctimas del conflicto armado y sus relaciones con la democracia local en el Oriente Antioqueño
Organizational Processes of Women and Victims of Armed Conflict and their Relationship with Local Democracy in Eastern Antioquia;
Processos organizativos de mulheres e vítimas do conflito armado e relações com a democracia local no Oriente Antioqueño
Hoyos Gómez, Diana
Nieto García, Angélica
This paper examines organizational processes promoted by women and victims of armed conflict in the Eastern Antioquia region of Colombia in order to analyze the relationship between these processes and the discourses and expressions of local democracy. The research focuses on the meanings that democracy takes for these organizations. The paper analyzes these relationships in two different ways. On the one hand, organizational processes have appropriated and redefined the institutional discourses of citizenship and participation as well as interacted with institutions in order for women and victims to be listened to and to make their claims visible in the public arena. On the other hand, these organizations have appropriated discourses on citizenship and participation in order to influence everyday life in a context deeply affected by political violence. The organizational processes examined here are the Asociación Provincial de Víctimas a Ciudadanas, Centro de Acercamiento para la Reconciliación y Reparación, and Asociación de Mujeres del Oriente Antioqueño.