Cáncer gástrico en Colombia entre 2000 y 2009
Daza Duque, Doris
Introduction: In all cases of cancer worldwide, 80% occur in developing countries, to be stomach cancer or gastric cancer the second leading cause of cancer death in the world with approximately 700, 000 deaths each year. In Colombia, gastric cancer is the leading cause of death from malignant tumors in both sexes, though not the first neoplastic in frequency. Methodology: Descriptive observational study taking death records DANE Colombia between 2000 and 2009. Crude annual rates were analyzed by age group and gender, geographical origin, marital status, educational level and area of residence establishing statistical differences between the variables and their categories. Results: During the study period there were 43, 759 deaths from gastric cancer, most often in men 1. 5: 1. Rates adjusted gastric cancer mortality by age group increased after the fifth decade of life. Statistically significant differences were found in all years studied and the department of residence of the deceased presenting Cauca (18. 11 - 19) and Boyacá (14. 54 to 1742) the highest rates per 100, 000 populations. The highest rates are concentrated in the region of the Andes. Conclusion: Gastric cancer is the tumor that causes more deaths in Colombia so it is necessary to design and implement screening programs that are directed at controlling mortality.