Participación de canvas en la creación de una red de defensa transnacional en torno a la acción política noviolenta como mecanismo de acción colectiva. período 2004-2013
Torres Muñoz, Wanda Tatiana
This research focuses the participation of CANVAS in the creation of a Transnational Advocacy Network (TAN) of Nonviolent Political Action as a mechanism of Collective Action. Considering the period 2004-2013, the aim of this project is to identify both the exogenous and endogenous factors that empowered this NGO on the international scene. Theoretical contributions of scholars such as Celestino del Arenal, who explains the dynamics of the New World Society, will allow the understanding of those elements that increased the Transnational Advocacy Networks’ capacity for influence. Contributions of Kathryn Sikkink and Margaret Keck will provide useful tools in order to prove the complexity of internal factors that augmented the role of CANVAS in this field.
Furthermore, this research will subscribe the debate between state-centric realists and non-state centric liberalists concerning the instrumentalization of non-state actors in order to fulfill national interests within the International System.