Efectos de la reducción del nivel del Lago Chad sobre la Seguridad Regional (Nigeria, Níger, Chad y Camerún) durante el período de 2000-2010
Romero Quiñones, María Camila
The Lake Chad has been for decades a source of economic livelihood for millions of people inhabiting in the four riparian states, namely: Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria. However, the climatic change, the demographic pressure and the unsustainable exploitation of its resources by riparian states were the main factors that have led in the last decade, the dramatic reduction in the level of Lake Chad. Being aware of the complex interdependence in which the States are immersed, this new context has had a direct impact on the region, because has worsened other economic, social, environmental and politics variables yielding an atmosphere of regional insecurity. Thus, the reduction in the Lake Chad Basin represents a shared threat which tightly bind to Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria, which allows to see the existence of a Regional Security Subcomplex.