El debate sobre las leyes de medios en Ecuador y Argentina: un análisis a dos periódicos colombianos 2009-2013
Contreras Bohórquez, Ana
This undergraduate paper examines how two Colombian daily, El Tiempo and El Espectador, presented information on the discussion of "Laws of Media" in Ecuador and Argentina, developed in recent years. The study looked at the news, columns, editorials, and interviews published since 2009 (when the discussion became widespread) until 2013. The methodology facilitated the comparative analysis of the two newspapers and their attitudes towards the discussion of media laws . It is argued that the media, as key players in the discussion, have taken sides, in their editorials and informative pages, against policies that seek to regulate their activity. Thus, there is a persistence in the press to impose speeches with a specific ideology through the actors are presented in the construction of narratives, in this case, willing to oppose the approval of the media law proposed by the Argentine government and Ecuadorian. It is evident in the interpretative framework of the articles analyzed, the proxy war in countries of Latin America that persists between the media and governments.