La alianza de estados insulares pequeños y la securitización del cambio climático en la convención marco de Naciones Unidas sobre cambio climático (1992-2012)
Gamba Gamba, Camilo Andrés
This monograph seeks to explain the securitization process of climate change carried out by the AOSIS in the COPs of the UNFCCC. This investigation will argue that AOSIS do have carried out this process through different strategies such as moral leadership and the links with non-state actors; but that process has not been successful for three reasons: the predominance of sustainable development discourse over the security approach of climate change, the weakening of AOSIS as a securitizing actor and finally, the absence of formal support from emerging countries and UMBRELLA group. In order to prove what has been discussed, a revision of scientific informs which demonstrates that climate change is a security threat will be held, as well as an analysis from Thierry Balzacq’s securitization theory of some AOSIS countries speeches, COPs and positions of some negotiation blocs about climate change.