| masterThesis
La formación y el ejercicio profesional de las y los Trabajadores Sociales en Colombia sus transformaciones históricas : el caso de la Universidad Nacional y la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Martínez Grisales, Karen Johanna
The objective of this research was to understand the professional education and practice of social workers from their historical transformations. The analysis was made at two academic units of Bogotá: The National University of Colombia and the University Corporation Minuto de Dios. The Methodology is based on Microhistory, supported in documentary analysis and the use of some ethnographic techniques. The findings are oriented to an approach to the history of the profession in Colombia, articulated with National history. This aspect have special relevance because it allow to understand the goals and the implementation in the educational process of the social works, in the framework of historical transformation and the speeches and practices of the social actors. The main conclusion is that most of the changes in the curriculum, as the inclusion or exclusion of courses, does not go through an exercise of academic deliberate on the current needs and demands of the social context. The professional practice of social workers has some transformations in the context of new occupational fields, which are associated with the development of capitalism; however, it is possible to find fields that remains stable, such as healt care, protection and organizational niches. There is no academic production relative to the transformations and continuities of those professional fields; that is a pending debt for the research whitin the discipline.