Glocalización: nuevos enfoques teóricos sobre el desarrollo regional (subnacional) en el contexto de la integración económica y de la globalización
Glocalización: Nuevos Enfoques Teóricos Sobre el Desarrollo Regional (Sub Nacional) en el Contexto de la Integración Económica y de la Globalización
Moncayo Jiménez, Edgard
The author handles this article with questions that regard space,geography and territorial organisation based on the topic of development. To support his thesis that refers to the way in which various factors that give an impulse to globalisation have a territorial base, such as the international commerce of goods and services, technological change or international networks, the author utilises social development categories and places them in two dimensions. Initially, the author takes into account the international logic of the development of commercial, environment and political factors. Secondly, he emphasizes the role of regions and localities in the reconstruction of the global economic system to conclude that in a present uncertain context it is worth pointing out the configuration of megapolitanregions that function as regional motors in a new global economy.