Convenios y Recomendaciones de la OIT y su Incidencia en las Relaciones Obrero-Patronales en Colombia (2002-2014)
Alferez Restrepo, Francilena
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of the International Labor Organization’s labor conventions, specifically 087 and 098, which protect the right to association, on workers’ rights and labor relations in Colombia in the period 2002-2014. Beginning with a summary of the history of labor unionization and rights following the effects of the Industrial Revolution in England, the paper then turns to the history of labor and unions in Colombia; this is of particular importance given Colombia’s history of mistreatment of labor unions and extrajudicial assassinations. Finally, the paper will attempt to prove that more recent compliance with the conventions 087 and 098 has affected compliance with the other ILO conventions and lead to the removal of Colombia from the ILO’s blacklist. This paper was researched using a monograph methodology given the historical scope, statistical analysis, review of literature, and ample field work.