Interacciones de género estudiante-profesor, deserción y rendimiento académico en Colombia
Londoño Ortega, Erika
This document is about the estimation of the impact that the professor’ gender can have on the retention and the educational performance of the Colombian students during 2009 to 2012. The empirical strategy is based on a Linear Model Regression that establishes the relationship between the proportion of female teachers with the gender of the student. The outcomes suggest that there exists a selection bias due to the female teachers increase the probability that the female students finish the middle school, which implies that the composition of skills between men and women is not the same. After the correctness of the bias, the professor’ gender is significant. An increase of one standard deviation in the proportion of female teachers increases in 0.01 standard deviations the male students score in mathematics and the female students score in language. This investigation uses information from the “Saber 11” test, the administrative decision No 166 and a Teacher Competition.