Entre víctimas y subversivos. Un estudio de las representaciones de los campesinos colombianos en dos periódicos entre 1991 y 2008
Guerrero Bustos, Marcela
This paper identifies and analyzes some of the categories employed by the Colombian press to represent peasants, specifically El Tiempo and Boyacá 7 Días newspapers between 1991 and 2008. I concentrate on two of the most outstanding topics referred to the peasantry: armed conflict and peasant mobilizations. A discourse analysis of the textual corpus of the sample, I argue that from 1990 and 2000 there is no significant change in the terms that define and represent peasants. Journalistic texts fluctuate constantly between peasant representations as victims or subversives and victimizers, thus promoting a contradictory and simplistic discursive construction about the heterogeneous and complex Colombian peasant population.