Networks of immigration, informal settlements and areas of flood risk: the case of Río de Oro in Santander (Colombia)
Redes de inmigración, asentamientos informales y zonas de riesgo de inundación: el caso del Río de Oro en Santander (Colombia);
Redes de Imigração, assentamentos informais e zonas de risco de inundação: o caso do Rio do Ouro em Santander (Colombia)
Amorocho Pérez, Amanda
This paper reveals the immigration networks in the configuration of three informal settlements around Río de Oro in the urban sector of the municipality of Girón, Santander (Colombia). The study distinguishes the importance of bearing in mind the socio-natural basis at planning of the city and, at the same time, it shows the need to study the dynamics of migration to high flood risk areas.