La irrupción del Estado Islámico en Francia como factor que influyó en la percepción del terrorismo islamista en el partido político francés Frente Nacional, desde el año 2014 hasta el 2016
Valderrama Díaz, Valentina
This research aims to explain the irruption of the Islamic State in France as a factor that influenced in the perception of Islamist terrorism in the french political party Front National, from 2014 to 2016. For this it is stated that the irruption of Islamic State influenced in the perception of Islamist terrorism in the French party, to the extent that the terrorist attacks perpetrated by the organization generated changes in the declarations and official speeches of the party about this phenomenon, since they began to catalog it as a primordial subject that affected national security and french identity. For the development of this work, a qualitative methodological design was used in order to be able to describe in detail the particularities of the only case studied. In addition, Teun A. van Dijk's theory was used as a discourse analysis tool.