Incidencia de las agresiones a la seguridad cibernética en el desarrollo informático de las Fuerzas Armadas de Estados Unidos (2003-2013)
Torres Vargas, Nicole Vanessa
This research aims to analyze the impact of cyber-attacks in the computer development of the Armed Forces of the United States. The various studies that have been developed on cyberspace have focused primarily on the individual's role as a major player and have largely ignored the impact that this has had on the State, as a new axis of threats. Given the above, this research based on the concept of securitization, will show that since 2003, U.S. governments have prioritized "cyber security" within their political agenda. Since this is a study that addresses specific experiences over a period of more than 10 years, the methodological design of the research is longitudinal, and will cover studies, articles, texts and resolutions that have been made since 2003 to the present.