Definition of an it project portfolio management methodology for a pharmaceutical company
Giraldo, Milton Cesar
With the increased popularity of IT solutions as key factor for increasing competitiveness and creation of value for companies, the need to invest in IT projects is considerably increased. The limitation of resources as a constraint to invest has forced the companies to look for methodologies to select and prioritize projects, making sure that the decisions made are those aligned with the corporate strategies to assure the creation of value and maximization of benefits. This dissertation provides the fundamentals for the implementation of the IT Project Portfolio Management (IT PPM) as an efficient methodology for managing IT-Based Projects, and a tool for providing transparent criteria to the executive managers for the decision making process. The document provides the information about how to implement the IT PPM in seven steps, analyzing the processes and the roles needed for its successful execution. Additionally, provides different methods and criteria for the project selection and prioritization. After the theoretical part where the IT PPM is described, the dissertation brings an analysis of the study case a Pharmaceutical Company. The company has already a project management department but they find the necessity to implement the IT PPM due to the wider coverage of the end to end IT Projects processes, and the way to assure maximization of benefits. With the theoretical research, and the analysis of the study case, the dissertation ends with a practical definition of an IT PPM rough model as a recommendation for the implementation in the Project Management Department.