Evaluación de la vía aérea superior en pacientes con sahos mediante cefalometría 3D y multiplanar
Pérez Rodriguez, Paula Viviana
Objective: To determine biometric parameters for evaluation and diagnosis of patients with OSAHS by Three-Dimensional Cephalometry scanners and multiplanar reconstruction. Materials and Methods: An observational cross-sectional type, with 25 patients diagnosed with OSAHS, in which face simple CT face simple, three-d imensional multiplanar reconstruction was done, assessing airway volume, length, area average cross-sectional, retropalatal area, reglosal area, lateral and anteroposterior retrogloso space. Results: We included 25 patients and performed measurements of volume, length, average cross-sectional area, retropalatal area, area and spaces regloso retroglosal lateral and anteroposterior, performing statistical analysis using SPSS 19.0 reported measures of central tendency average, mean, mode, range and standard deviation, and inter-and intra-observer agreement. Conclusion: The three-dimensional multiplanar reconstruction Cephalometry has proved as an excellent method for assessing airway in patients with OSAHS, obtaining own classifications within the study of these patients. However, given the limited literature and difficult achievement of benchmarks is necessary to promote the study and investigation of this diagnostic method in patients with OSAS