Population resettlement: a social, political and progressive phenomenon
El reasentamiento poblacional: fenómeno social, político y de progreso;
O reassentamento populacional: fenômeno social, político e de progresso
Duque-Botero, Juan David
This work of bibliographic revision has as its purpose to analyze the resettlement of population. Different typologies are analyzed from the point of view of the state, in order to see the existing relation between resettlement and the carrying out of activities in charge by administrative authorities. Resettlement is developed as a mechanism for attending to, and the prevention of, natural disasters, and as an instrument for the protection of the population in cases of major development projects, or in case of accidental or violent events. It presents the need to establish actions to be made by the administration in order to avoid negative impacts to be suffered by the population in those events that entail a resettlement.