Evaluación de competencias de las regiones para el desarrollo de un clúster útil a la cadena productiva de pasifloras en Colombia
Assessment of Regional Competencies for the Development of a Cluster Useful to the Passion Flower Production Chain in Colombia;
Avaliação de competências das regiões para o desenvolvimento de um cluster útil à cadeia produtiva de passifloras na Colômbia
Ramírez, Leila
Otálvaro, Ángela M.
In Colombia, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) has defined agricultural production chains with potential to achieve regional prosperity and is encouraging initiatives, among which is the creation of clusters to assist in at attaining this objective. This research seeks to make explicit the methodology used to clearly define the competitive capacities of the different regions where passion flowers (exotic fruits with high commercial development potential) are produced. It involves establishment of the best location within the regions of Colombia with potential for the cluster in this chain. An assessment matrix based on Porter’s competitiveness diamond is applied. This has allowed Huila to be established as the region with the highest level of competitiveness for the development of this type of groups.