Incidencia de la política "desarrollo pacífico" en las relaciones de china y la ASEAN. Una aproximación desde la soberanía de las islas Spratly, 2004 – 2012
Gardeazábal Hernández, Jorge Alejandro
The interest of this paper is to analyze the foreign policy of the People's Republic of China, more specifically the one known as Pacific Development, and its impact on the territorial disputes in Southeast Asia. The work is divided into 3 parts, each of which treat different aspects of the Pacific Development and through the body of the paper, different concepts will help understanding the Chinese multiple positions as well as the concerns of the countries of the ASEAN bloc. The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate that even though the policy has helped substantially to improve relations between the two sides and has brought so many political benefits, it has not been enough to eliminate tension in the area and provide a solution to disputes they live