Prevalencia de anormalidades estructurales cardiacas en pacientes con enfermedad isquémica. Bogotá 2007 – 2009
García Morales, Andrés Eduardo
Cepeda Benítez, Leidy
Pachón Cubillos, Diana Alexandra
Introduction: Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of the death developed world, most of these relate to alterations of the coronary arteries , but a subgroup of patients have structural abnormalities as a cause of cardiac ischemia .
Methods: Descriptive study. Database collected in a hemodynamics service of Bogotá for two years. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied and four age groups were determined, all patients underwent diagnostic cardiac catheterization. The variables analyzed were: Diagnostic reference backgrounds and catheterization results, including presence of structural abnormalities such as valvular, anomalous origin of the coronary and myocardial bridges. By the descriptive analysis was used a report of prevalence, and for association analysis were used contingency tables and chi-square statistical test. No multivariate analysis was performed because no statistically significant associations were found.
Results : Mean age was 62 years (SD = 10.5 ) , representation of men was 61.7 % , prevalence of stable angina was 61.6 % , the most prevalent backgrounds were : blood hypertension ( 41.4%) , hyperlipidemia ( 19.1%) and diabetes mellitus ( 17.7%). Prevalence of structural abnormalities in the study population in general was 12.9%, and its distribution by type was 1.4 % for myocardial bridges, 0.7 % for anomalous origin of the coronary arteries and 10.8 % for valvular disease.
Conclusions: It was found an association between medical history and the presence of valvular disease. Gender is unrelated to the structural heart disease despite the greater involvement of men in the study population. The limitations of this study are related to the sample size, due to the low prevalence of structural abnormalities measured.